

Welcome to the BNamericas API! You can use our API to access BNamericas API endpoints, which can get information on various contents such as news, projects, companies, contacts, reports and datasets in our database.

You can view examples in the dark area to the right.


BNamericas uses API credentials to allow access to the API. You can register a new BNamericas API credential at the API Keys section.

BNamericas expects for the API key, and the API secret to be included in all API requests to the server in a GET variable that looks like the following:


The primary way of interacting with the BNamericas API is by the listing and accessing the details of any kind of content.

This is the list of available types of contents:

Identifier Permalink
ARTICLE article
PROJECT project
COMPANY company
PERSON person
REPORT report
DATA_SET dataset

Content Model

Content objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contentType string The content type identifier.
permalink string A unique identifier for the content.
publicationDate date string The original publication date of the content.
modificationDate date string The last date when this content was updated.
tags array A list of Tag objects.
translation object A Content Translation object.
sectorTranslations array A list of Sector Translation objects.
geographicAreaTranslations array A list of Geographic Area Translation objects.
contentTypeTranslation object A Content Type Translation object.
isNew boolean Indicates if this content is a new content.
location object A Location object.

A Content Translation object will contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contentType string The content type identifier.
title string The title for the content is the specified language.
shortDescription string The description of the content in the specified language.
pendingTranslation boolean Indicates if this content has a pending translation for the specified language.

Tag objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
maintainableType string Always “TAG”
permalink string A unique identifier for the content.
translation object A Tag Translation object.

Tag Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
text string The name of the tag in a specific language.

Sector Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
sector string The sector identifier.
text string The name of the sector in a specific language.
permalink string The permalink that identifies the sector.

Geographic Area Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geographicArea string The geographic area identifier
text string The name of the geographic area in a specific language.
permalink string The permalink that identifies the geographic area.

Content Type Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contentType string The content type identifier.
text string The name of the content type in a specific language.
permalink string The permalink that identifies the content type.

Location objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
latitude double The latitude value for the location.
longitude double The longitude value for the location.

Article Model

Example JSON for Article:

"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"permalink": "xymsarbob-mexico-revela-inversion-en-infraestructura-vial-por-us3000mn",
"publicationDate": "2019-01-03 16:44:29 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2019-01-03 16:44:29 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "infrastructure-roads",
"translation": {
"text": "Roads"
"translation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"title": "Mexico unveils US$3bn road infra investment",
"shortDescription": "The program, overseen by the transport and communications ministry, includes ...",
"pendingTranslation": false,
"body": "<html>\n <head></head>\n <body>\n <p>Mexico's government will invest 78bn pesos ... \n </body>\n</html>"
"sectorTranslations": [
"text": "Infrastructure",
"permalink": "infrastructure"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "MEXICO",
"text": "Mexico",
"permalink": "mexico"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"text": "News",
"permalink": "article"
"isNew": false,
"featured": true,
"articleTypeTranslation": {
"articleType": "NEWS",
"text": "News",
"permalink": "news"

Article objects will also add the following attributes to the Content object:

Attribute Type Description
featured boolean Indicates if the article has been marked as featured by the publishing team.
articleTypeTranslation object An Article Type Translation object.

Article Translation objects will also add the following attributes to the Content Translation object:

Attribute Type Description
body string The full body to the article in HTML format.
introduction string An optional introduction to some types of articles.

Article Type Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
articleType string The article type identifier.
text string The name of the article type in a specific language.
permalink string The permalink that identifies the article type.

Project Model

Example JSON for Project:

"contentType": "PROJECT",
"permalink": "xkkcxgr6c-vaca-muerta-west-crude-oil-pipeline",
"publicationDate": "2018-08-09 15:17:11 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2018-08-09 15:17:15 +0000",
"location": {
"latitude": -37.490543,
"longitude": -69.14328
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "oilgas-midstream",
"translation": {
"text": "Midstream"
"translation": {
"contentType": "PROJECT",
"title": "Vaca Muerta West Crude Oil Pipeline",
"shortDescription": "The project consists of the installation of a pipeline that collects the oil extracted from ...",
"pendingTranslation": false,
"body": "The project consists of the installation of a pipeline that collects the oil extracted from the Vaca ...",
"locationDescription": "The pipeline starts at the Bajo del Choique Field and ends at the Auca Mahuida pumping ...",
"principalWorks": "<p>Installation of a 65 km pipe ... </p>"
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "OILGAS",
"text": "Oil & Gas",
"permalink": "oilgas"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "ARGENTINA",
"text": "Argentina",
"permalink": "argentina"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "PROJECT",
"text": "Projects",
"permalink": "project"
"isNew": false,
"projectStages": [
"startDate": "2018-08-01 04:00:00 +0000",
"endDate": null,
"current": true,
"subStageTranslation": {
"text": "Prefeasibility"
"stageTranslation": {
"stage": "EARLY_WORKS",
"text": "Early works"
"contactInfoList": [],
"projectCapacities": [
"tag": {
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "oilandgaspipelines",
"translation": {
"text": "Oil & Gas pipelines"
"capacityValue": 15000,
"capacityUnitTranslation": {
"capacityUnit": "CUBIC_METERS",
"text": "cubic meters"
"stageTranslation": {
"stage": "EARLY_WORKS",
"text": "Early works"
"subStageTranslation": {
"text": "Prefeasibility"
"statusTranslation": {
"status": "ACTIVE",
"text": "Active"
"ownershipTypeTranslation": {
"ownershipType": "PUBLIC",
"text": "Public"

Project objects will also add the following attributes to the Content object:

Attribute Type Description
projectStages array A list of Stage objects.
contactInfoList array An array of Contact Info objects.
projectCapacities array An array of Capacity objects.
subStageTranslation object A Sub Stage Translation object that represents the current sub-stage of the project.
stageTranslation object A Stage Translation object that represents the current stage of the project.
statusTranslation object A Status Translation object.
ownershipTypeTranslation object A Ownership Type Translation object.

Project Translation objects will also add the following attributes to the Content Translation object:

Attribute Type Description
body string The full description of the project.
locationDescription string A description of the location of the project.
principalWorks string A description of the principal works of the project.

Stage objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
startDate date string The date this stage stars for the project.
endDate date string The date this stage ends for the project.
current boolean Indicates if this stage is the current stage of the project.
subStageTranslation object A Sub Stage Translation object.
stageTranslation object A Stage Translation object.

Sub Stage Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
subStagestage string The sub-stage identifier.
text string The name of the sub-stage in a specific language.

Stage Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
stage string The stage identifier.
text string The name of the stage in a specific language.

Capacity objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
tag object A Tag object representing the production element of the project.
capacityValue double The value for the capacity.
capacityUnitTranslation object A Capacity Unit Translation object.

Capacity Unit Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
capacityUnit string The capacity unit identifier.
text string The name of the capacity unit in a specific language.

Status Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status string The status identifier.
text string The name of the status in a specific language.

Ownership Type Translation Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ownershipType string The ownership type identifier.
text string The name of the ownership type in a specific language.

Company Model

Example JSON for Company:

"contentType": "COMPANY",
"permalink": "xrbdwgakr-bhp",
"publicationDate": "2016-07-19 13:03:03 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2018-11-13 05:35:19 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "constructioncontractor",
"translation": {
"text": "Construction Contractor"
"translation": {
"contentType": "COMPANY",
"title": "BHP",
"shortDescription": "Australia-based BHP, formerly known as BHP Billiton Ltd., is a mineral resources ...",
"pendingTranslation": false,
"body": "Australia-based BHP, formerly known as BHP Billiton Ltd., is a mineral resources company that ...",
"tradeName": "BHP"
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "MINING",
"text": "Mining & Metals",
"permalink": "mining"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "AUSTRALIA",
"text": "Australia",
"permalink": "australia"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "COMPANY",
"text": "Companies",
"permalink": "company"
"isNew": false,
"contactInfoList": [
"contactInfoType": "WEBSITE",
"contactInfoTypeTranslation": {
"contactInfoType": "WEBSITE",
"text": "Website Url"
"representation": ""

Company objects will also add the following attributes to the Content object:

Attribute Type Description
contactInfoList array A list of Contact Info objects

Company Translation objects will also add the following attributes to the Content Translation object:

Attribute Type Description
body string The full description of the company.
tradeName string The trade or commercial name of the company.

Contact Info objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contactInfoType string The contact info type identifier.
contactInfoTypeTranslation object A Contact Info Type Translation object.
representation string The string representation of the contact information.

Contact Info Type Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contactInfoType string The contact info type identifier.
text object The name of the contact info type in the specified language.

Person Model

Example JSON for Person:

"contentType": "PERSON",
"permalink": "xit0mgnpz-marc-fogassa",
"publicationDate": "2018-12-26 14:47:30 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2018-12-26 14:47:29 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "mineralsandmetals",
"translation": {
"text": "Minerals & Metals"
"translation": {
"contentType": "PERSON",
"title": "Marc Fogassa",
"pendingTranslation": false
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "MINING",
"text": "Mining & Metals",
"permalink": "mining"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "BRAZIL",
"text": "Brazil",
"permalink": "brazil"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "PERSON",
"text": "People",
"permalink": "person"
"isNew": false,
"title": "CEO",
"contactInfoList": [
"contactInfoType": "PHONE",
"contactInfoTypeTranslation": {
"contactInfoType": "PHONE",
"text": "Phone number"
"representation": "55-31-39..."

Person objects will also add the following attributes to the Content object:

Attribute Type Description
title string A string with the current title description on the locale and language of the person.
contactInfoList array A list of Contact Info objects.

Contact Info objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contactInfoType string The contact info type identifier.
contactInfoTypeTranslation object A Contact Info Type Translation object.
representation string The string representation of the contact information.

Contact Info Type Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
contactInfoType string The contact info type identifier.
text object The name of the contact info type in the specified language.

Report Model

Example JSON for Report:

"contentType": "REPORT",
"permalink": "xk6dcok68-we-ask-the-experts-ict-trends-in-latin-america",
"publicationDate": "2019-01-03 20:56:27 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2019-01-03 04:00:00 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "generaltopics-bigdata",
"translation": {
"text": "Big Data"
"translation": {
"contentType": "REPORT",
"title": "We Ask the Experts: ICT Trends in Latin America",
"shortDescription": "<html>\n <head></head>\n <body>\n Latin America has always been on the ... </body>\n</html>",
"pendingTranslation": false,
"chapters": [
"title": "The Influence of ICT Laws From Around the World",
"body": "<html>\n <head></head> \n <body> \n <p>Europe has famously tightened the n ... \n </body>\n</html>",
"position": 1,
"subPosition": 0
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "ICT",
"text": "ICT",
"permalink": "ict"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [],
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "REPORT",
"text": "Reports",
"permalink": "report"
"isNew": false,
"reportTypeTranslation": {
"text": "Intelligence series",
"permalink": "is"

Report objects will also add the following attributes to the Content object:

Attribute Type Description
reportTypeTranslation object A Report Type Translation object.

Report Translation objects will also add the following attributes to the Content Translation object:

Attribute Type Description
chapters array A list of Chapter objects.

Report Type Translation objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
reportType string The report type identifier.
text object The name of the report type in the specified language.
permalink string The permalink that identifies the report type.

Chapter objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
title string The title of the chapter in the specified language.
body object The full body of the chapter in the specified language.
position string The position of the chapter within the other chapters.
subPosition string The position of the chapter within other chapters with the same position.

DataSet Model

Example JSON for DataSet:

"contentType": "DATA_SET",
"permalink": "x0-ipc-argentina-brasil-chile-colombia-mexico-y-peru",
"publicationDate": "2019-01-07 15:39:57 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2019-01-07 15:10:55 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "economics",
"translation": {
"text": "Economics"
"translation": {
"contentType": "DATA_SET",
"title": "CPI: Brazil and Chile",
"shortDescription": "Monthly and 12-month CPIs from 2000-December 2018 for Brazil, Chile ... ",
"pendingTranslation": false,
"dataHeader": [
"name": "Year",
"type": "int",
"index": 0,
"column": "year"
"name": "Month",
"type": "text",
"index": 1,
"column": "month"
"name": "Country",
"type": "text",
"index": 2,
"column": "country"
"name": "Type",
"type": "text",
"index": 3,
"column": "type"
"name": "CPI percentage",
"type": "double",
"index": 4,
"column": "cpi_percentage"
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "BANKING",
"text": "Banking",
"permalink": "banking"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "BRAZIL",
"text": "Brazil",
"permalink": "brazil"
"geographicArea": "CHILE",
"text": "Chile",
"permalink": "chile"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "DATA_SET",
"text": "Data sets",
"permalink": "dataset"
"isNew": false,
"dataSet": [
"type": "Annual fluctuation",
"year": 2000,
"month": "January",
"country": "Brasil",
"cpi_percentage": 8.39
"type": "Monthly",
"year": 2000,
"month": "January",
"country": "Brasil",
"cpi_percentage": 0.61
"type": "Annual fluctuation",
"year": 2000,
"month": "January",
"country": "Chile",
"cpi_percentage": ""
"type": "Monthly",
"year": 2000,
"month": "January",
"country": "Chile",
"cpi_percentage": ""

DataSet objects will also add the following attributes to the Content object:

Attribute Type Description
dataSet array An array of objects composed as the header specification within the translation, representing each cell of the data.

DataSet Translation objects will also add the following attributes to the Content Translation object:

Attribute Type Description
dataHeader array An array of Data Header objects.

Data Header objects will also add the following attributes to the Content Translation object:

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the column in the specified language.
type string The type of the column: text, double, int, long, boolean or translatedText.
index int The position of the column within the other columns.
column string The identifier of the column to compose each cell in the data set.

Get All Contents

curl ""
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"permalink": "xoqcdowtw-bolivia-secures-additional-el-mutun-funding",
"publicationDate": "2019-01-03 21:35:41 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2019-01-03 21:35:41 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "mineralsandmetals",
"translation": {
"text": "Minerals & Metals"
"translation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"title": "Bolivia secures additional El Mutún funding",
"shortDescription": "El Mutún, Bolivia's repeatedly-delayed iron and steel project, lined up further ...",
"pendingTranslation": false
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "MINING",
"text": "Mining & Metals",
"permalink": "mining"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "BOLIVIA",
"text": "Bolivia",
"permalink": "bolivia"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"text": "News",
"permalink": "article"
"isNew": false,
"featured": true,
"articleTypeTranslation": {
"articleType": "NEWS",
"text": "News"

This endpoint retrieves all contents in different pages groups, sorted by date, with the most recent content first.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
apiKey true The API Key that identifies the user.
apiKeySecret true The secret credential to access the API.
language true The language key to retrieve the content. Available values are: en, es.
contentType true The permalink of the type of content to retrieve. For available values see the contents section.
pageNumber The page number to retrieve, default is 1.
textFilterValue A text search parameter to filter the results.
sectorFilterValue A sector permalink parameter to filter the results, it can be repeated to include more than one sector. Available values are: For available values see the sectors section.
geographicAreaValue A geographic area permalink parameter to filter the results, it can be repeated to include more than one geographic area. For available values see the geographical areas section.
tagValue A tag permalink parameter to filter the results, it can be repeated to include more than one tag. For available values see the tags section.

Get a Specific Content

curl ""
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"permalink": "xoqcdowtw-bolivia-secures-additional-el-mutun-funding",
"publicationDate": "2019-01-03 21:35:41 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2019-01-03 21:35:41 +0000",
"tags": [
"maintainableType": "TAG",
"permalink": "mineralsandmetals",
"translation": {
"text": "Minerals & Metals"
"translation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"title": "Bolivia secures additional El Mutún funding",
"shortDescription": "El Mutún, Bolivia's repeatedly-delayed iron and steel project, lined up further state ...",
"pendingTranslation": false,
"body": "<html>\n <head></head>\n <body>\n <p>Bolivia's delayed US$546mn El Mutún iron and steel project ..."
"sectorTranslations": [
"sector": "MINING",
"text": "Mining & Metals",
"permalink": "mining"
"geographicAreaTranslations": [
"geographicArea": "BOLIVIA",
"text": "Bolivia",
"permalink": "bolivia"
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"text": "News",
"permalink": "article"
"isNew": false,
"featured": true,
"articleTypeTranslation": {
"articleType": "NEWS",
"text": "News"

This endpoint retrieves a specific content.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
apiKey true The API Key that identifies the user.
apiKeySecret true The secret credential to access the API.
language true The language key to retrieve the content. Available values are: en, es.
contentType true The permalink of the type of content to retrieve. Available values are: article, project, company, person, report, dataset.
permalink true The permalink identifier of the specific content.
curl ""
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"permalink": "xn3przfvk-bolivia-allocates-funding-to-long-delayed-el-mutun",
"publicationDate": "2018-12-27 21:37:00 +0000",
"modificationDate": "2018-12-27 21:37:00 +0000",
"tags": [],
"translation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"title": "Bolivia allocates funding to long-delayed El Mutún",
"shortDescription": "The central bank enabled the iron and steel project to make the first US$9.9mn down ...",
"pendingTranslation": false
"sectorTranslations": [],
"geographicAreaTranslations": [],
"contentTypeTranslation": {
"contentType": "ARTICLE",
"text": "News",
"permalink": "article"
"isNew": false,
"featured": false,
"articleTypeTranslation": {
"articleType": "NEWS",
"text": "News"

This endpoint retrieves a map of related contents.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
apiKey true The API Key that identifies the user.
apiKeySecret true The secret credential to access the API.
language true The language key to retrieve the content. Available values are: en, es.
contentType true The permalink of the type of content to retrieve. Available values are: article, project, company, person, report, dataset.
permalink true The permalink identifier of the specific content.


This is the list of available sectors:

Identifier Permalink
BANKING banking
ELECTRIC_POWER electricpower
INFRASTRUCTURE infrastructure
INSURANCE insurance
MINING mining
OILGAS oilgas
PETRO_CHEMICALS petrochemicals
WATER_WASTE waterwaste
ICT ict


This is the list of available tags:

Permalink Description
offshore-subsea Subsea
waterwaste Water & Waste
electriccars Electric cars
hydro Hydro
secondarydistribution Secondary Distribution
airport Airport
airporthub Airport hub
airportroadaccess Airport road access
cargoterminal Cargo terminal
portauthorities Port authorities
portefficiency Port efficiency
postpanamax Post-Panamax
shippingcompanies Shipping companies
passengerterminals Passenger terminals
lead Lead
lithium Lithium
manganese Manganese
molybdenum Molybdenum
nickel Nickel
niobium Niobium
palladium Palladium
platinum Platinum
rareearthelementsree Rare earth elements (REE)
silver Silver
otherpreciousmetals Other Precious metals
otherbasemetals Other base metals
steel Steel
oilsands Oil sands
shaleoil Shale Oil
biofuels Biofuels
gasprocessing Gas Processing
liquefaction Liquefaction
productionfacilities Production Facilities
waterlevels Water levels
minihydro Mini Hydro
thermosolarcsp Thermosolar CSP
tidalwaveenergy Tidal/Wave energy
wind Wind
onshorewind Onshore Wind
offshorewind Offshore Wind
waterways Waterways
inlandport Inland Port
accessroads Access roads
beltways Beltways
bypasses Bypasses
bridge Bridge
corridors Corridors
tunnel Tunnel
wideningworks Widening Works
pavingworks Paving Works
bordercomplex Border complex
detentioncenter Detention center
hospital Hospital
sportscenters Sports centers
schools Schools
billingsystem Billing system
busrapidtransitbrtsystem Bus rapid transit (BRT) system
cablecarsystems Cable car systems
stations Stations
multimodal2 Multimodal
passengertransport Passenger transport
freighttransport Freight transport
railtransport Rail Transport
highspeedtrain High speed train
railline Rail line
rollingstock Rolling stock
monorail Monorail
metro Metro
runoftheriver Run of the river
insurance-healthinsurance Health insurance
insurance-microinsurance Microinsurance
insurance-pensions Pensions
insurance-reinsurance Reinsurance
hydrodam Hydro Dam
nuclear Nuclear
biomass Biomass
geothermal Geothermal
solar Solar
photovoltaic Photovoltaic
thermo Thermo
combinedcycle Combined cycle
powerpurchaseagreementppa Power purchase agreement (PPA)
transmissionlines Transmission Lines
substations Substations
primarydistribution Primary Distribution
networkupgrades Network Upgrades
radial Radial
smartgrids Smart Grids
ruralelectrificationsystems Rural Electrification systems
passengerterminal Passenger terminal
runway Runway
cementplant Cement plant
bulkcommodityterminals Bulk commodity terminals
canal Canal
containerterminals Container terminals
cranes Cranes
deepwaterport Deepwater port
dredging Dredging
dryport Dry ports
generaltopics-jointventures Joint ventures
insurance-insurtech Insurtech
insurance-propertycasualty Property & Casualty
electricpower-renewable Renewable
electricpower-distribution Distribution
electricpower-generation Generation
electricpower-transmission Transmission
typesofmining-openpitmining Open pit mining
finalproducts-plasticsresins Plastics & Resins
prospectingexplorationandextractionofmineralresources-typesofmining Types of mining
miningmetals-scraprecycling Scrap & Recycling
environment-environmentalevaluation Environmental evaluation
businessgeneraltopics-companiestopics Companies Topics
multipurposeports Multi-purpose ports
multimodal Multimodal
oilterminals Oil terminals
porthub Port Hub
insurance-surety Surety
insurance-annuity Annuity
naturalgasandcondensates-coalbedmethane Coalbed methane
mineralsandmetals Minerals & Metals
bauxite Bauxite
cobalt Cobalt
copper Copper
gold Gold
ironore Iron ore
tin Tin
titanium Titanium
tungsten Tungsten
uranium Uranium
vanadium Vanadium
zinc Zinc
sulphur Sulphur
borate Borate
coal2 Coal
diamond Diamond
graphite Graphite
iodine Iodine
lime Lime
limestone Limestone
phosphate Phosphate
potash Potash
silver2 Silver
preciousstones Precious stones
alumina Alumina
antimony Antimony
illegalmining Illegal mining
insurance-insurancereinsurancebroking Insurance & Reinsurance broking
insurance-catastrophe Catastrophe
bankinginsurance-banks Banks
brent Brent
potablewatersystem Potable water system
potablewatertreatmentplants Potable water treatment plants
surfacewater Surface water
waterchemicals Water chemicals
watermeters Water meters
waterreservoir Water reservoir
watertransfer Water transfer
waterutilities Water utilities
wti WTI
nymexlightsweetcrude NYMEX Light Sweet Crude
mexicanmix Mexican Mix
lpg LPG
deepwater Deepwater
shallowwaters Shallow waters
onshore Onshore
typeofextraction Type of extraction
unconventionals Unconventionals
conventionals Conventionals
floodcontrol Flood control
distributionnetwork Distribution network
glaciers Glaciers
groundwater Groundwater
refineries Refineries
regasification Regasification
lng LNG
oilandgaspipelines Oil & Gas pipelines
tankers Tankers
transport2 Transport
offshore Offshore
geologicalmappingsurveys Geological mapping / Surveys
wastewater Wastewater
drainage Drainage
hazardouswastewater Hazardous wastewater
industrialwastewater Industrial wastewater
sewernetworks Sewer networks
wastewatertreatmentplants Wastewater treatment plants
wastewatersreuse Wastewaters reuse
dthsatellite DTH /  Satellite
consumption Consumption
statistics Statistics
tariffs Tariffs
studies Studies
tenders Tenders
taxesandsubsidies Taxes & Subsidies
trade Trade
economics Economics
trafficcargo Traffic / Cargo
socialconflicts Social conflicts
politics Politics
environment Environment
hazardouswaste Hazardous waste
industrialwaste Industrial waste
landfills Landfills
remediation Remediation
wastemanagement Waste management
wastetreatmentplants Waste treatment plants
investmentbanking Investment banking
commercialandretailbanking Commercial & Retail Banking
privatebankingandmanagement Private banking & management
developmentbankingandintegration Development banking & Integration
microfinance Microfinance
nonbankingfinancialinstitutions Non-banking financial institutions
remittances Remittances
securitization Securitization
privateequityandventurecapital Private equity and venture capital
ratingagency Rating Agency
centralbanks Central Banks
payments Payments
creditdebitcards Credit / Debit cards
electronicpayments Electronic Payments
arpu ARPU
generaltopics-logistics Logistics
businessgeneraltopics-financialresults Financial results
generaltopics-bigdata Big Data
oilgas-crudeoil Crude oil
upstream-drillingrigs Drilling rigs
typesofmining-undergroundmining Underground mining
mineralsandmetals-metallic Metallic
mineralsandmetals-nonmetallic Non metallic
oilgas-downstream Downstream
infrastructure-roads Roads
businessgeneraltopics Business General Topics
bankinginsurance-cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrencies
miningmetals-prospectingexplorationandextractionofmineralresources “Prospecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resources”
investmentandfinancingtopics Investment and Financing Topics
roads-highways Highways
bankinginsurance-assetmanagement Asset Management
oilgas-naturalgasandcondensates Natural gas and condensates
oilgas-midstream Midstream
oilgas-upstream Upstream
oilgas-oil Oil
bankinginsurance-insurance Insurance
bankinginsurance-fintech Fintech
miningmetals-metalsprocessingsmeltingrefiningandmetalproducts “Metals processing, smelting, refining and metal products “
businessgeneraltopics-projecttopics Project topics
ict ICT
nationalpoweroilgasauctionsandroundsinfraprograms-renovarprogramround3 RenovAr Program - Round 3
poweroilgasauctionsandroundsinfraprograms Power / Oil&Gas Auctions and Rounds / Infra Programs
businessgeneraltopics-laborissuesstrikes Labor issues / Strikes
investmentandfinancing-financialinstruments Financial instruments
financing-projectfinance Project Finance
oilgas-shalegas Shale gas
oilgas-tightgas Tight gas
infrastructure-transport Transport
infrastructure-socialinfrastructure Social Infrastructure
waterwaste-waste Waste
waterwaste-waterpipelines Water pipelines
financingandinvestment-financing Financing
petrochemicals Petrochemicals
generaltopics-blockchain Blockchain
businessgeneraltopics-legalissueslegaladvice Legal issues / Legal Advice
businessgeneraltopics-startups Start-ups
businessgeneraltopics-financialservices Financial Services
businessgeneraltopics-arbitration Arbitration
constructiontransporttopics-fluvial Fluvial
generaltopics-artificialintelligence Artificial intelligence
finalproducts-gasesindustrialgases Gases & industrial gases
infrastructure-portsshipping Ports & Shipping
ict-infra Infra
projecttopics-changeinschedule Change in Schedule
environment-cleanenergyincentives Clean Energy Incentives
waterwaste-industrialwaterefficiency Industrial water efficiency
socialmedia Social media
security Security
iot Iot
randd R&D
smartcities Smart cities
connectedcars Connected cars
sensors Sensors
nbiot NB-IoT
developmenttools Development Tools
crm CRM
erp ERP
appserver App. server
databases Databases
operatingsystems Operating systems
webserver Web server
programminganddeveloping Programming & Developing
projectsdevelopment Projects development
mainframesandservers Mainframes & Servers
personalcomputers Personal computers
storage Storage
mobiledevices Mobile devices
tablets Tablets
corporateservices Corporate Services
backup Back up
integrationplatforms Integration platforms
managedservices Managed Services
businessprocessoutsourcingbpo Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
callcenter Call Center
consultancy Consultancy
documenting Documenting
generaltopics-ecommerce E-Commerce
thermo-fossilfuels Fossil fuels
thermo-coal Coal
thermo-naturalgas Natural gas
waterwaste-desalinationplant Desalination plant
ict-services Services
ict-hardware Hardware
waterwaste-potablewater Potable water
financingandinvestment-investment Investment
environment-drought Drought
businessgeneraltopics-engineeringprovider Engineering Provider
testing Testing
training Training
systemsengineering Systems engineering
mpls MPLS
privatelinks Private Links
structuredcabling Structured cabling
iptelephony IP Telephony
cloudservices Cloud services
datacenters Data centers
housingandproviders Housing & Providers
saaspaasiaas “SaaS
sellinganddistribution Selling & distribution
direct Direct
indirect Indirect
fixedtelephony Fixed telephony
localtelephony Local telephony
longdistance Long distance
publictelephony Public telephony
convergedservices Converged services
internet Internet
fixedbroadband Fixed broadband
ott OTT
mobilebroadband Mobile broadband
satellitebroadband Satellite broadband
thermo-fueloils Fuel oils
waterwaste-irrigationsystem Irrigation system
ict-software Software
petrochemicals-aromatics Aromatics
finalproducts-explosives Explosives
petrochemicals-olefins Olefins
mobile Mobile
apps Apps
wifi Wi-Fi
5g 5g
paytv Pay TV
cabletv Cable TV
iptv IPTV
fixed Fixed
backbone Backbone
cablecopperotherinfra “Cable, copper, other infra”
fiber Fiber
microwave Microwave
networks Networks
towerduct “Tower, Duct”
mobile2 Mobile
3g 3G
4glte 4G LTE
satellite Satellite
smallcells Small cells
wifiwimax Wi-Fi/WiMax
ltem LTE-M
finalproducts Final products
adhesivesandsealants Adhesives & Sealants
bioplastic Bioplastic
coolants Coolants
lubricants Lubricants
paintsandinks Paints & Inks
solvents Solvents
textilesandfibers Textiles & Fibers
tiresandrubber Tires & Rubber
fertilizer Fertilizer
businessgeneraltopics-legislationregulation Legislation & Regulation
environment-recycling Recycling
generaltopics-production Production
c4fraction C4 fraction
thermo-bunkeroildieseloil Bunker oil/Diesel oil
butadiene Butadiene
ethylene Ethylene
waterwaste-dams Dams
waterwaste-watershortages Water shortages
ethanol Ethanol
propylene Propylene
toluene Toluene
xylene Xylene
benzene Benzene
methanol Methanol
rawmaterialsandfeedstocks Raw materials & Feedstocks
marketpricesandforecasts Market Prices and Forecasts
contractor Contractor
constructioncontractor Construction Contractor
engineeringcontractor Engineering Contractor
specialtycontractor Specialty Contractor
globalcontractorepc Global Contractor - EPC
distressedcompaniesandbankruptcy Distressed companies & Bankruptcy
equipmentsupplier Equipment Supplier
commodities Commodities
generaltopics-digitaltransformation Digital Transformation
fines Fines
governmentprogram Government program
publicprivatepartnershipppp Public-private partnership (PPP)
ratings Ratings
licensingandconcessions Licensing & Concessions
corporatesocialresponsibilitycsr Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
multilaterals Multilaterals
naturaldisasters Natural disasters
productivityefficiency Productivity / Efficiency
realestate Real estate
globalregionalsportsevents Global / Regional Sports Events
demand Demand
capacity Capacity
costs Costs
reservesandstocks Reserves & Stocks
explorationdrilling Exploration / Drilling
clientbase Client Base
privatization Privatization
capex Capex
sustainability Sustainability
cancelledproject Cancelled project
subproject Subproject
changeinownership Change in Ownership
contractawarded Contract awarded
newinvestmentamount New Investment amount
electricpower Electric Power
infrastructure Infrastructure
lookingforfinancing Looking for financing
newstage New Stage
suspensions Suspensions
colombia4thgenerationtollroadprogram Colombia - 4th Generation Toll Road Program
chilespowersupplyauction201501 Chile’s Power Supply Auction 2015/01
mexicosfirstlongtermelectricpowerauction Mexico’s First Long-Term Electric Power Auction
mexicossecondlongtermelectricpowerauction Mexico’s Second Long-Term Electric Power Auction
renovarprogramround1 RenovAr Program - Round 1
renovarprogramround15 RenovAr Program - Round 1.5
renovarprogramround2 RenovAr Program - Round 2
mexicoround1phase2 Mexico: Round 1 - Phase 2
mexicoround1phase3 Mexico: Round 1 - Phase 3
mexicoround1phase4 Mexico: Round 1 - Phase 4
mexicoround2phase1 Mexico: Round 2 - Phase 1
bonds Bonds
publicinvestment Public Investment
privateinvestment Private Investment
governmentassociationsngos Government - Associations - NGOs
oilgas-location Location
insurance-lifeinsurance Life insurance
oilgas-heavyoil Heavy oil
oilgas Oil & Gas
financingandinvestment-mergersacquisitions Mergers & Acquisitions
financingandinvestment-riskinvestment Risk Investment
miningmetals Mining & Metals
environment-environmentalconflict Environmental conflict
financialservices Financial services
ictprovider ICT Provider
ictoperator ICT Operator
ictdeveloper ICT Developer
inspectorauditor Inspector/Auditor
newentrants New Entrants
owneroperator Owner/Operator
provider Provider
regulator Regulator
appointmentsandpromotions Appointments & Promotions

Geographic Areas

This is the list of available geographic areas:

Identifier Permalink
AFRICA africa
ANGOLA angola
BENGUELA benguela
HUAMBO huambo
MOXICO moxico
ZAIRE zaire
ALGERIA algeria
ALGIERS algiers
BENIN benin
BOTSWANA botswana
BURKINA_FASO burkina_faso
EST est
BURUNDI burundi
CAPE_VERDE cape_verde
CAMEROON cameroon
CHAD chad
MANDOUL mandoul
SILA sila
COMOROS comoros
GRANDE_COMORE grande_comore
REPUBLIC_OF_THE_CONGO republic_of_the_congo
CONGO congo
IVORY_COAST ivory_coast
EGYPT egypt
RED_SEA red_sea
ERITREA eritrea
ETHIOPIA ethiopia
GABON gabon
ESTUAIRE estuaire
GAMBIA gambia
GHANA ghana
BRONGAHAFO brongahafo
GUINEA guinea
EQUATORIAL_GUINEA equatorial_guinea
GUINEABISSAU guineabissau
BIOMBO biombo
BOLAMA_AND_BIJAGOS bolama_and_bijagos
QUINARA quinara
TOMBALI tombali
KENYA kenya
LESOTHO lesotho
BEREA berea
BUTHABUTHE buthabuthe
LERIBE leribe
MASERU maseru
MOKHOTLONG mokhotlong
QUTHING quthing
THABATSEKA thabatseka
LIBERIA liberia
LIBYA libya
TRIPOLI tripoli
MADAGASCAR madagascar
MALAWI malawi
MALI mali
MOROCCO morocco
MAURITIUS mauritius
CARGADOS_CARAJOS cargados_carajos
MAURITANIA mauritania
TIRIS_ZEMMOUR tiris_zemmour
MAYOTTE mayotte
MOZAMBIQUE mozambique
MAPUTO_PROVINCE maputo_province
NAMPULA nampula
TETE tete
NAMIBIA namibia
NIGER niger
AGADEZ agadez
DIFFA diffa
NIGERIA nigeria
CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC central_african_republic
REUNION reunion
RWANDA rwanda
WESTERN_SAHARA western_sahara
SAINT_HELENA saint_helena
SAO_TOME_AND_PRINCIPE sao_tome_and_principe
SAO_TOME_ISLAND sao_tome_island
PRINCIPE principe
SENEGAL senegal
DAKAR dakar
DIOURBEL diourbel
KAOLACK kaolack
KOLDA kolda
LOUGA louga
MATAM matam
SAINTLOUIS saintlouis
TAMBACOUNDA tambacounda
ZIGUINCHOR ziguinchor
SEYCHELLES seychelles
SIERRA_LEONE sierra_leone
SOMALIA somalia
SWAZILAND swaziland
SOUTH_AFRICA south_africa
LIMPOPO limpopo
EASTERN_CAPE eastern_cape
SUDAN sudan
SOUTH_SUDAN south_sudan
TANZANIA tanzania
TOGO togo
PLATEAUX plateaux
CENTRALE centrale
MARITIME maritime
SAVANES savanes
TUNISIA tunisia
MANOUBA manouba
TATAOUINE tataouine
UGANDA uganda
DJIBOUTI djibouti
TADJOURAH tadjourah
ZAMBIA zambia
ZIMBABWE zimbabwe
AMERICA america
NORTH_AMERICA north_america
BERMUDA bermuda
SANDYS sandys
SOUTHAMPTON2 southampton2
WARWICK warwick
PAGET paget
PEMBROKE pembroke
DEVONSHIRE devonshire
SMITHS smiths
HAMILTON hamilton
SAINT_GEORGES2 saint_georges2
HAMILTON_CITY hamilton_city
SAINT_GEORGE_TOWN saint_george_town
CANADA canada
BRITISH_COLUMBIA british_columbia
PRINCE_EDWARD_ISLAND prince_edward_island
NEWFOUNDLAND_AND_LABRADOR newfoundland_and_labrador
NOVA_SCOTIA nova_scotia
NEW_BRUNSWICK new_brunswick
YUKON yukon
UNITED_STATES united_states
ALABAMA alabama
ALASKA alaska
ARIZONA arizona
ARKANSAS arkansas
CALIFORNIA california
NORTH_CAROLINA north_carolina
SOUTH_CAROLINA south_carolina
COLORADO colorado
CONNECTICUT connecticut
NORTH_DAKOTA north_dakota
SOUTH_DAKOTA south_dakota
DELAWARE delaware
FLORIDA florida
GEORGIA georgia
HAWAII hawaii
IDAHO idaho
ILLINOIS illinois
INDIANA indiana
IOWA iowa
KANSAS kansas
LOUISIANA louisiana
MARYLAND maryland
MICHIGAN michigan
MINNESOTA minnesota
MISSISSIPPI mississippi
MISSOURI missouri
MONTANA montana
NEBRASKA nebraska
NEVADA nevada
NEW_HAMPSHIRE new_hampshire
NEW_JERSEY new_jersey
NEW_YORK new_york
NEW_MEXICO new_mexico
OHIO ohio
OKLAHOMA oklahoma
OREGON oregon
PENNSYLVANIA pennsylvania
RHODE_ISLAND rhode_island
TENNESSEE tennessee
TEXAS texas
UTAH utah
VERMONT vermont
WEST_VIRGINIA west_virginia
WASHINGTON washington
DISTRICT_OF_COLUMBIA district_of_columbia
WISCONSIN wisconsin
WYOMING wyoming
GREENLAND greenland
SAINT_PIERRE_AND_MIQUELON saint_pierre_and_miquelon
MEXICO mexico
AGUASCALIENTES aguascalientes
ESTADO_DE_BAJA_CALIFORNIA estado_de_baja_california
BAJA_CALIFORNIA_SUR baja_california_sur
CAMPECHE campeche
CHIAPAS chiapas
CHIHUAHUA chihuahua
MEXICO_CITY mexico_city
COAHUILA coahuila
COLIMA colima
DURANGO durango
GUANAJUATO guanajuato
GUERRERO guerrero
HIDALGO hidalgo
JALISCO jalisco
ESTADO_DE_MEXICO estado_de_mexico
MICHOACAN michoacan
MORELOS morelos
NAYARIT nayarit
NUEVO_LEON nuevo_leon
OAXACA oaxaca
PUEBLA puebla
QUERETARO queretaro
QUINTANA_ROO quintana_roo
SAN_LUIS_POTOSI san_luis_potosi
SINALOA sinaloa
SONORA sonora
TABASCO tabasco
TAMAULIPAS tamaulipas
TLAXCALA tlaxcala
VERACRUZ veracruz
YUCATAN yucatan
ZACATECAS zacatecas
CENTRAL_AMERICA central_america
ARUBA aruba
BELIZE belize
BONAIRE_SINT_EUSTATIUS_AND_SABA bonaire_sint_eustatius_and_saba
SINT_EUSTATIUS sint_eustatius
COSTA_RICA costa_rica
SAN_JOSE2 san_jose2
ALAJUELA alajuela
CARTAGO cartago
HEREDIA heredia
GUANACASTE guanacaste
PUNTARENAS puntarenas
LIMON limon
CURACAO curacao
EL_SALVADOR el_salvador
AHUACHAPAN ahuachapan
SANTA_ANA santa_ana
SONSONATE sonsonate
USULUTAN usulutan
SAN_MIGUEL san_miguel
MORAZAN morazan
LA_UNION la_union
LA_LIBERTAD la_libertad
CHALATENANGO chalatenango
CUSCATLAN cuscatlan
SAN_SALVADOR san_salvador
LA_PAZ2 la_paz2
CABANAS cabanas
SAN_VICENTE san_vicente
GUADELOUPE guadeloupe
GUATEMALA guatemala
PETEN peten
HUEHUETENANGO huehuetenango
QUICHE quiche
ALTA_VERAPAZ alta_verapaz
IZABAL izabal
SAN_MARCOS san_marcos
QUETZALTENANGO quetzaltenango
TOTONICAPAN totonicapan
SOLOLA solola
CHIMALTENANGO chimaltenango
SACATEPEQUEZ sacatepequez
GUATEMALA2 guatemala2
BAJA_VERAPAZ baja_verapaz
EL_PROGRESO el_progreso
JALAPA jalapa
ZACAPA zacapa
CHIQUIMULA chiquimula
RETALHULEU retalhuleu
SUCHITEPEQUEZ suchitepequez
ESCUINTLA escuintla
SANTA_ROSA santa_rosa
JUTIAPA jutiapa
HONDURAS honduras
ATLANTIDA atlantida
COLON colon
COMAYAGUA comayagua
COPAN copan
CORTES cortes
CHOLUTECA choluteca
EL_PARAISO el_paraiso
FRANCISCO_MORAZAN francisco_morazan
GRACIAS_A_DIOS gracias_a_dios
INTIBUCA intibuca
ISLAS_DE_LA_BAHIA islas_de_la_bahia
LA_PAZ3 la_paz3
LEMPIRA lempira
OCOTEPEQUE ocotepeque
OLANCHO olancho
SANTA_BARBARA santa_barbara
VALLE valle
YORO yoro
BRITISH_VIRGIN_ISLANDS british_virgin_islands
MARTINIQUE martinique
NICARAGUA nicaragua
CARIBE_NORTE caribe_norte
CARIBE_SUR caribe_sur
BOACO boaco
CARAZO carazo
CHINANDEGA chinandega
CHONTALES chontales
ESTELI esteli
GRANADA granada
JINOTEGA jinotega
LEON leon
MADRIZ madriz
MANAGUA managua
MASAYA masaya
MATAGALPA matagalpa
NUEVA_SEGOVIA nueva_segovia
RIO_SAN_JUAN rio_san_juan
RIVAS rivas
PANAMA panama
BOCAS_DEL_TORO bocas_del_toro
COCLE cocle
COLON2 colon2
CHIRIQUI chiriqui
DARIEN darien
HERRERA herrera
LOS_SANTOS los_santos
PANAMA2 panama2
VERAGUAS veraguas
PANAMA_OESTE panama_oeste
PUERTO_RICO puerto_rico
SAINTBARTHELEMY saintbarthelemy
SINT_MAARTEN sint_maarten
SOUTH_AMERICA south_america
ARGENTINA argentina
BUENOS_AIRES buenos_aires
CATAMARCA catamarca
CHACO chaco
CHUBUT chubut
CORDOBA cordoba
CORRIENTES corrientes
ENTRE_RIOS entre_rios
FORMOSA formosa
JUJUY jujuy
LA_PAMPA la_pampa
LA_RIOJA la_rioja
MENDOZA mendoza
MISIONES misiones
NEUQUEN neuquen
RIO_NEGRO rio_negro
SALTA salta
SAN_JUAN san_juan
SAN_LUIS san_luis
SANTA_CRUZ santa_cruz
SANTA_FE santa_fe
SANTIAGO_DEL_ESTERO santiago_del_estero
TIERRA_DEL_FUEGO tierra_del_fuego
TUCUMAN tucuman
BOLIVIA bolivia
CHUQUISACA chuquisaca
COCHABAMBA cochabamba
EL_BENI el_beni
LA_PAZ la_paz
ORURO oruro
PANDO pando
POTOSI potosi
SANTA_CRUZ2 santa_cruz2
TARIJA tarija
BRAZIL brazil
ACRE acre
ALAGOAS alagoas
AMAPA amapa
AMAZONAS amazonas
BAHIA bahia
CEARA ceara
FEDERAL_DISTRICT federal_district
ESPIRITO_SANTO espirito_santo
GOIAS goias
MARANHAO maranhao
MATO_GROSSO mato_grosso
MATO_GROSSO_DO_SUL mato_grosso_do_sul
MINAS_GERAIS minas_gerais
PARA para
PARAIBA paraiba
PARANA parana
PERNAMBUCO pernambuco
PIAUI piaui
RIO_DE_JANEIRO rio_de_janeiro
RIO_GRANDE_DO_NORTE rio_grande_do_norte
RIO_GRANDE_DO_SUL rio_grande_do_sul
RONDONIA rondonia
RORAIMA roraima
SANTA_CATARINA santa_catarina
SAO_PAULO sao_paulo
SERGIPE sergipe
TOCANTINS tocantins
CHILE chile
ANTOFAGASTA antofagasta
REGION_DE_LA_ARAUCANIA region_de_la_araucania
REGION_DE_ARICA_Y_PARINACOTA region_de_arica_y_parinacota
ATACAMA atacama
AYSEN aysen
REGION_DEL_BIOBIO region_del_biobio
COQUIMBO_REGION coquimbo_region
LOS_LAGOS_REGION los_lagos_region
LOS_RIOS_REGION los_rios_region
REGION_OF_MAGALLANES region_of_magallanes
MAULE_REGION maule_region
SANTIAGO_METROPOLITAN santiago_metropolitan
OHIGGINS_REGION ohiggins_region
TARAPACA tarapaca
REGION_DE_VALPARAISO region_de_valparaiso
COLOMBIA colombia
AMAZONAS2 amazonas2
ATLANTICO atlantico
CUNDINAMARCA cundinamarca
ANTIOQUIA antioquia
ARAUCA arauca
BOGOTA bogota
BOLIVAR2 bolivar2
BOYACA boyaca
CALDAS caldas
CAQUETA caqueta
CASANARE casanare
CAUCA cauca
CESAR cesar
CHOCO choco
CORDOBA2 cordoba2
GUAINIA guainia
GUAVIARE guaviare
HUILA huila
LA_GUAJIRA la_guajira
MAGDALENA magdalena
META meta
NARINO narino
NORTE_DE_SANTANDER norte_de_santander
PUTUMAYO putumayo
QUINDIO quindio
RISARALDA risaralda
SAN_ANDRES_AND_PROVIDENCIA san_andres_and_providencia
SANTANDER santander
SUCRE2 sucre2
TOLIMA tolima
VALLE_DEL_CAUCA valle_del_cauca
VAUPES vaupes
VICHADA vichada
ECUADOR ecuador
AZUAY azuay
BOLIVAR3 bolivar3
CANAR canar
CARCHI carchi
CHIMBORAZO chimborazo
COTOPAXI cotopaxi
EL_ORO el_oro
ESMERALDAS esmeraldas
GALAPAGOS galapagos
GUAYAS guayas
IMBABURA imbabura
LOJA loja
LOS_RIOS los_rios
MANABI manabi
MORONA_SANTIAGO morona_santiago
NAPO napo
ORELLANA orellana
PASTAZA pastaza
PICHINCHA pichincha
SANTA_HELENA santa_helena
SANTO_DOMINGO_DE_LOS_TSACHILAS santo_domingo_de_los_tsachilas
SUCUMBIOS sucumbios
TUNGURAHUA tungurahua
ZAMORA_CHINCHIPE zamora_chinchipe
FRENCH_GUIANA french_guiana
SAINT_LAURENT_DU_MARONI saint_laurent_du_maroni
CAYENNE cayenne
GUYANA guyana
BARIMAWAINI barimawaini
POMEROONSUPENAAM pomeroonsupenaam
ESSEQUIBO_ISLANDSWESTERN_DEMERARA essequibo_islandswestern_demerara
DEMERARAMAHAICA demeraramahaica
MAHAICABERBICE mahaicaberbice
BERBICE_ORIENTALCORENTYNE berbice_orientalcorentyne
CUYUNIMAZARUNI cuyunimazaruni
POTAROSIPARUNI potarosiparuni
ALTO_TACUTUALTO_ESSEQUIBO alto_tacutualto_essequibo
ALTO_DEMERARABERBICE alto_demeraraberbice
FALKLAND_ISLANDS falkland_islands
SOUTH_GEORGIA_ISLANDS south_georgia_islands
SOUTH_SANDWICH south_sandwich
PARAGUAY paraguay
ASUNCION asuncion
CONCEPCION concepcion
SAN_PEDRO san_pedro
CORDILLERA6 cordillera6
GUAIRA guaira
CAAGUAZU caaguazu
CAAZAPA caazapa
ITAPUA itapua
MISIONES2 misiones2
PARAGUARI paraguari
ALTO_PARANA alto_parana
CENTRAL2 central2
NEEMBUCU neembucu
AMAMBAY amambay
CANINDEYU canindeyu
PRESIDENTE_HAYES presidente_hayes
ANCHOVY anchovy
ALTO_PARAGUAY alto_paraguay
PERU peru
AMAZONAS4 amazonas4
ANCASH ancash
APURIMAC apurimac
AREQUIPA arequipa
AYACUCHO ayacucho
CAJAMARCA cajamarca
CALLAO callao
CUSCO cusco
HUANCAVELICA huancavelica
HUANUCO huanuco
ICA ica
JUNIN junin
LIBERTAD libertad
LAMBAYEQUE lambayeque
LIMA lima
LORETO loreto
MADRE_DE_DIOS madre_de_dios
MOQUEGUA moquegua
PASCO pasco
PIURA piura
PUNO puno
SAN_MARTIN san_martin
TACNA tacna
TUMBES tumbes
UCAYALI ucayali
SURINAME suriname
BROKOPONDO brokopondo
COMMEWIJNE commewijne
CORONIE coronie
MAROWIJNE marowijne
NICKERIE nickerie
PARA2 para2
PARAMARIBO paramaribo
SARAMACCA saramacca
SIPALIWINI sipaliwini
WANICA wanica
URUGUAY uruguay
ARTIGAS artigas
CANELONES canelones
CERRO_LARGO cerro_largo
COLONIA colonia
DURAZNO durazno
FLORES flores
FLORIDA2 florida2
LAVALLEJA lavalleja
MALDONADO maldonado
MONTEVIDEO montevideo
PAYSANDU paysandu
RIO_NEGRO2 rio_negro2
RIVERA rivera
ROCHA rocha
SALTO salto
SAN_JOSE san_jose
SORIANO soriano
TACUAREMBO tacuarembo
TREINTA_Y_TRES treinta_y_tres
VENEZUELA venezuela
AMAZONAS3 amazonas3
ANZOATEGUI anzoategui
APURE apure
ARAGUA aragua
BARINAS barinas
BOLIVAR4 bolivar4
CARABOBO carabobo
COJEDES cojedes
DELTA_AMACURO delta_amacuro
DISTRITO_CAPITAL distrito_capital
FALCON falcon
GUARICO guarico
LARA lara
MERIDA merida
MIRANDA miranda
MONAGAS monagas
NUEVA_ESPARTA nueva_esparta
PORTUGUESA portuguesa
SUCRE3 sucre3
TACHIRA tachira
TRUJILLO trujillo
VARGAS vargas
YARACUY yaracuy
ZULIA zulia
FEDERAL_DEPENDENCIES federal_dependencies
CARIBBEAN caribbean
ANGUILLA anguilla
ANGUILLA2 anguilla2
ANGUILITA anguilita
DOG dog
LITTLE_SCRUB little_scrub
PRICKLY_PEAR_CAYS prickly_pear_cays
SANDY sandy
SCRUB scrub
SEAL seal
SOMBRERO sombrero
ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA antigua_and_barbuda
SAINT_GEORGE2 saint_george2
SAINT_JOHN5 saint_john5
SAINT_MARY saint_mary
SAINT_PAUL saint_paul
SAINT_PETER saint_peter
SAINT_PHILIP2 saint_philip2
BARBUDA barbuda
REDONDA redonda
BAHAMAS bahamas
ACKLINS_MASON_BAY acklins_mason_bay
BERRY_ISLANDS berry_islands
BIMINI_ALICE_TOWN bimini_alice_town
BLACK_POINT_BLACK_POINT black_point_black_point
CAT_ISLAND_THE_BIGHT cat_island_the_bight
CENTRAL_ABACO_MARSH_HARBOUR central_abaco_marsh_harbour
CENTRAL_ANDROS_FRESH_CREEK_ central_andros_fresh_creek_
CENTRAL_ELEUTHERA_GOVERNORS_HARBOUR central_eleuthera_governors_harbour
CITY_OF_FREEPORT_FREEPORT city_of_freeport_freeport
CROOKED_ISLAND_MOSS_TOWN_LONG_CAY crooked_island_moss_town_long_cay
EAST_GRAND_BAHAMA_HIGH_ROCK east_grand_bahama_high_rock
EXUMA exuma
GRAND_CAY grand_cay
HARBOUR_ISLAND_ELEUTHERA harbour_island_eleuthera
HOPE_TOWN_ABACO hope_town_abaco
INAGUA_MATTHEW_TOWN inagua_matthew_town
LONG_ISLAND_CLARENCE_TOWN long_island_clarence_town
CAYO_MANGROVE_ANDROS cayo_mangrove_andros
MAYAGUANA_ABRAHAMS_BAY mayaguana_abrahams_bay
MOORES_ISLAND_ABACO moores_island_abaco
NORTH_ABACO_NORTH_ABACO_GRAND_CAY_GREEN_TURTLE_CAY_COOPERS_TOWN north_abaco_north_abaco_grand_cay_green_turtle_cay_coopers_town
NORTH_ANDROS_NORTH_ANDROS_BERRY_ISLANDS_NICHOLLS_TOWN north_andros_north_andros_berry_islands_nicholls_town
ELEUTHERA_NORTE_UPPER_BOGUE_ eleuthera_norte_upper_bogue_
EXUMA_RAGGED_ISLAND_GEORGE_TOWN exuma_ragged_island_george_town
CAYO_RUM_SAN_SALVADOR_RUM_CAY_COCKBURN_TOWN cayo_rum_san_salvador_rum_cay_cockburn_town
SAN_SALVADOR2 san_salvador2
SOUTH_ABACO_SOUTH_ABACO_SANDY_POINT_EN_LA_ISLA_DE_MOORE south_abaco_south_abaco_sandy_point_en_la_isla_de_moore
SOUTH_ANDROS_SOUTH_ANDROS_KEMPS_BAY_EN_MANGROVE_CAY south_andros_south_andros_kemps_bay_en_mangrove_cay
ELEUTHERA_SUR_ROCK_SOUND_ eleuthera_sur_rock_sound_
SPANISH_WELLS_ELEUTHERA_LOWER_BOGUE spanish_wells_eleuthera_lower_bogue
WEST_GRAND_BAHAMA_EIGHT_MILE_ROCK west_grand_bahama_eight_mile_rock
NEW_PROVIDENCE_NASSAU new_providence_nassau
BARBADOS barbados
CHRIST_CHURCH christ_church
SAINT_ANDREW saint_andrew
SAINT_GEORGE5 saint_george5
SAINT_JAMES saint_james
SAINT_JOHN4 saint_john4
SAINT_JOSEPH saint_joseph
SAINT_LUCY saint_lucy
SAINT_MICHAEL saint_michael
SAINT_PETER2 saint_peter2
SAINT_PHILIP3 saint_philip3
SAINT_THOMAS saint_thomas
CUBA cuba
PINAR_DEL_RIO pinar_del_rio
ARTEMISA artemisa
LA_HABANA la_habana
MAYABEQUE mayabeque
MATANZAS matanzas
CIENFUEGOS cienfuegos
VILLA_CLARA villa_clara
SANCTI_SPIRITUS sancti_spiritus
CIEGO_DE_AVILA ciego_de_avila
CAMAGUEY camaguey
LAS_TUNAS las_tunas
GRANMA granma
HOLGUIN holguin
SANTIAGO_DE_CUBA santiago_de_cuba
GUANTANAMO guantanamo
MUNICIPIO_ESPECIAL_ISLA_DE_LA_JUVENTUD municipio_especial_isla_de_la_juventud
DOMINICA dominica
SAINT_ANDREW2 saint_andrew2
SAINT_DAVID saint_david
SAINT_GEORGE3 saint_george3
SAINT_JOHN3 saint_john3
SAINT_JOSEPH2 saint_joseph2
SAINT_LUKE saint_luke
SAINT_MARK saint_mark
SAINT_PATRICK saint_patrick
SAINT_PAUL2 saint_paul2
SAINT_PETER3 saint_peter3
GRENADA grenada
SAINT_ANDREW3 saint_andrew3
SAINT_DAVID2 saint_david2
SAINT_GEORGE4 saint_george4
SAINT_JOHN2 saint_john2
SAINT_MARK2 saint_mark2
SAINT_PATRICK2 saint_patrick2
HAITI haiti
ARTIBONITO artibonito
CENTRE centre
GRANDANSE grandanse
NIPPES nippes
NORD nord
NORDEST nordest
NORDOUEST nordouest
OUEST ouest
SUDEST sudest
SUD sud
CAYMAN_ISLANDS cayman_islands
BODDEN_TOWN bodden_town
CAYMAN_BRAC cayman_brac
EAST_END east_end
GEORGE_TOWN george_town
LITTLE_CAYMAN little_cayman
NORTH_SIDE north_side
WEST_BAY west_bay
TURKS_AND_CAICOS_ISLANDS turks_and_caicos_islands
MIDDLE_CAICOS middle_caicos
NORTH_CAICOS north_caicos
SOUTH_CAICOS_INCLUDING_EAST_CAICOS south_caicos_including_east_caicos
PROVIDENCIALES_INCLUDING_WEST_CAICOS providenciales_including_west_caicos
AMBERGRIS_CAY ambergris_cay
PINE_CAY pine_cay
PARROT_CAY parrot_cay
SANT_CAY sant_cay
GRAND_TURK grand_turk
US_VIRGIN_ISLANDS us_virgin_islands
SAINT_THOMAS2 saint_thomas2
SAINT_JOHN6 saint_john6
SAINT_CROIX saint_croix
JAMAICA jamaica
CORNWALL2 cornwall2
MIDDLESEX middlesex
SURREY2 surrey2
MONTSERRAT montserrat
SAINT_ANTHONY saint_anthony
SAINT_GEORGES saint_georges
SAINT_PETER4 saint_peter4
DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC dominican_republic
AZUA azua
BAHORUCO bahoruco
BARAHONA barahona
DAJABON dajabon
DISTRITO_NACIONAL distrito_nacional
DUARTE duarte
ELIAS_PINA elias_pina
EL_SEIBO el_seibo
ESPAILLAT espaillat
HATO_MAYOR hato_mayor
HERMANAS_MIRABAL hermanas_mirabal
INDEPENDENCIA independencia
LA_ALTAGRACIA la_altagracia
LA_ROMANA la_romana
LA_VEGA la_vega
MARIA_TRINIDAD_SANCHEZ maria_trinidad_sanchez
MONSENOR_NOUEL monsenor_nouel
MONTE_CRISTI monte_cristi
MONTE_PLATA monte_plata
PEDERNALES pedernales
PERAVIA peravia
PUERTO_PLATA puerto_plata
SAMANA samana
SAN_CRISTOBAL san_cristobal
SAN_JOSE_DE_OCOA san_jose_de_ocoa
SAN_JUAN2 san_juan2
SAN_PEDRO_DE_MACORIS san_pedro_de_macoris
SANCHEZ_RAMIREZ sanchez_ramirez
SANTIAGO santiago
SANTIAGO_RODRIGUEZ santiago_rodriguez
SANTO_DOMINGO santo_domingo
VALVERDE valverde
SAINT_KITTS_AND_NEVIS saint_kitts_and_nevis
CHRIST_CHURCH_NICHOLA_TOWN_SAN_CRISTOBAL christ_church_nichola_town_san_cristobal
SAINT_ANNE_SANDY_POINT_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_anne_sandy_point_san_cristobal
SAINT_GEORGE_BASSETERRE_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_george_basseterre_san_cristobal
SAINT_GEORGE_GINGERLAND_NIEVES saint_george_gingerland_nieves
SAINT_JAMES_WINDWARD_NIEVES saint_james_windward_nieves
SAINT_JOHN_CAPISTERRE_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_john_capisterre_san_cristobal
SAINT_JOHN_FIGTREE_NIEVES saint_john_figtree_nieves
SAINT_MARY_CAYON_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_mary_cayon_san_cristobal
SAINT_PAUL_CAPISTERRE_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_paul_capisterre_san_cristobal
SAINT_PAUL_CHARLESTOWN_NIEVES saint_paul_charlestown_nieves
SAINT_PETER_BASSETERRE_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_peter_basseterre_san_cristobal
SAINT_THOMAS_LOWLAND_NIEVES saint_thomas_lowland_nieves
SAINT_THOMAS_MIDDLE_ISLAND_SAN_CRISTOBAL saint_thomas_middle_island_san_cristobal
TRINITY_PALMETTO_POINT_SAN_CRISTOBAL trinity_palmetto_point_san_cristobal
SAINT_VINCENT_AND_THE_GRENADINES saint_vincent_and_the_grenadines
CARLOTA carlota
GRANADINAS granadinas
SAN_ANDRES san_andres
SAN_DAVID san_david
SAN_JORGE san_jorge
SAN_PATRICIO san_patricio
SAINT_LUCIA saint_lucia
ANSE_LA_RAYE anse_la_raye
CASTRIES castries
CHOISEUL choiseul
DAUPHIN dauphin
DENNERY dennery
GROS_ISLET gros_islet
LABORIE laborie
MICOUD micoud
PRASLIN praslin
SOUFRIERE soufriere
VIEUX_FORT vieux_fort
TRINIDAD_AND_TOBAGO trinidad_and_tobago
ARIMA arima
CHAGUANAS chaguanas
POINT_FORTIN point_fortin
PORT_OF_SPAIN port_of_spain
SAN_FERNANDO san_fernando
COUVATABAQUITETALPARO couvatabaquitetalparo
DIEGO_MARTIN diego_martin
PENALDEBE penaldebe
PRINCES_TOWN princes_town
RIO_CLAROMAYARO rio_claromayaro
SAN_JUANLAVENTILLE san_juanlaventille
SANGRE_GRANDE sangre_grande
SIPARIA siparia
TUNAPUNAPIARCO tunapunapiarco
TOBAGO tobago
ASIA asia
AFGHANISTAN afghanistan
KABUL kabul
HERAT herat
ZABUL zabul
SAUDI_ARABIA saudi_arabia
ARMENIA armenia
YEREVAN yerevan
AZERBAIJAN azerbaijan
NAKHICHEVAN nakhichevan
BAHRAIN bahrain
MUHARRAQ muharraq
NORTHERN northern
BANGLADESH bangladesh
BRUNEI brunei
BHUTAN bhutan
CHUKHA chukha
DAGANA dagana
PARO paro
SAMDRUP_JONGKHAR samdrup_jongkhar
CAMBODIA cambodia
PREAH_SIHANOUK preah_sihanouk
BATTAMBANG battambang
KANDAL kandal
KEP kep
KOH_KONG koh_kong
KAMPOT kampot
KAMPONG_CHAM kampong_cham
KAMPONG_CHHNANG kampong_chhnang
PREAH_VIHEAR preah_vihear
PURSAT pursat
RATANAKIRI ratanakiri
SVAY_RIENG svay_rieng
CHINA china
FUJIAN fujian
HUBEI hubei
NORTH_KOREA north_korea
REPUBLIC_OF_KOREA republic_of_korea
UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES united_arab_emirates
ABU_DHABI abu_dhabi
AJMAN ajman
DUBAI dubai
PHILIPPINES philippines
CENTRAL_VISAYAS central_visayas
WESTERN_VISAYAS western_visayas
EASTERN_VISAYAS eastern_visayas
CORDILLERA cordillera
CENTRAL_LUZON central_luzon
NORTHERN_MINDANAO northern_mindanao
ARMM armm
CAGAYAN_VALLEY cagayan_valley
GEORGIA2 georgia2
SHIDA_KARTLI shida_kartli
SAMTSKHEJAVAKHETI samtskhejavakheti
MTSKHETAMTIANETI mtskhetamtianeti
KVEMO_KARTLI kvemo_kartli
KAKHETI kakheti
IMERETI imereti
ABKHAZIA abkhazia
HONG_KONG hong_kong
INDIA india
WEST_BENGAL west_bengal
DADRA_AND_NAGAR_HAVELI dadra_and_nagar_haveli
DAMAN_AND_DIU daman_and_diu
GOA goa
ANDAMAN_AND_NICOBAR andaman_and_nicobar
MAHARASHTRA maharashtra
MEGHALAYA meghalaya
MIZORAM mizoram
PUNJAB punjab
RAJASTHAN rajasthan
INDONESIA indonesia
BANTEN banten
CENTRAL_SULAWESI central_sulawesi
NORTH_SULAWESI north_sulawesi
WEST_JAVA west_java
EAST_JAVA east_java
SOUTH_SUMATRA south_sumatra
WEST_SUMATRA west_sumatra
NORTH_SUMATRA north_sumatra
INDONESIA2 indonesia2
IRAQ iraq
MUHAFAZAT_AS_SULAYMANIYAH muhafazat_as_sulaymaniyah
IRAN iran
EAST_AZERBAIJAN east_azerbaijan
BUSHEHR bushehr
FARS fars
HORMOZGAN hormozgan
KHUZESTAN khuzestan
OSTANE_LORESTAN ostane_lorestan
MARKAZI markazi
MAZANDARAN mazandaran
SEMNAN semnan
ZANJAN zanjan
CHRISTMAS_ISLAND christmas_island
COCOS_KEELING_ISLANDS cocos_keeling_islands
ISRAEL israel
HAIFA haifa
JAPAN japan
AKITA akita
AOMORI aomori
FUKUI fukui
FUKUOKA fukuoka
FUKUSHIMAKEN fukushimaken
GIFU gifu
GUNMA gunma
HYOGO hyogo
IBARAKI ibaraki
IWATE iwate
KAGAWA kagawa
KANAGAWA kanagawa
KUMAMOTO kumamoto
MIYAGI miyagi
MIYAZAKI miyazaki
NAGANO nagano
NIIGATA niigata
OKAYAMA okayama
OKINAWA okinawa
SHIGA shiga
SHIMANE shimane
SHIZUOKA shizuoka
TOCHIGI tochigi
TOTTORI tottori
WAKAYAMA wakayama
YAMAGATA yamagata
YAMAGUCHI yamaguchi
YAMANASHI yamanashi
HASHEMITE_KINGDOM_OF_JORDAN hashemite_kingdom_of_jordan
IRBID irbid
KAZAKHSTAN kazakhstan
KYRGYZSTAN kyrgyzstan
KUWAIT kuwait
LAOS laos
LEBANON lebanon
SOUTH_GOVERNORATE south_governorate
MOHAFAZAT_MONTLIBAN mohafazat_montliban
MACAO macao
MALAYSIA malaysia
PUTRAJAYA putrajaya
MALDIVES maldives
MONGOLIA mongolia
MYANMAR_BURMA myanmar_burma
NEPAL nepal
OMAN oman
PAKISTAN pakistan
FEDERALLY_ADMINISTERED_TRIBAL_AREAS federally_administered_tribal_areas
AZAD_KASHMIR azad_kashmir
QATAR qatar
SINGAPORE singapore
SYRIA syria
DAMASCUS_GOVERNORATE damascus_governorate
SRI_LANKA sri_lanka
CENTRAL_PROVINCE central_province
NORTH_WESTERN_PROVINCE north_western_province
NORTHERN_PROVINCE northern_province
THAILAND thailand
TAIWAN taiwan
YUNLIN_COUNTY yunlin_county
TAJIKISTAN tajikistan
BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY british_indian_ocean_territory
PALESTINE palestine
TURKMENISTAN turkmenistan
AHAL ahal
BALKAN balkan
LEBAP lebap
MARY mary
TURKEY turkey
ADANA adana
AGRI agri
AKSARAY aksaray
AMASYA amasya
ANKARA ankara
ANTALYA antalya
ARDAHAN ardahan
ARTVIN artvin
AYDIN aydin
BALIKESIR balikesir
BARTIN bartin
BATMAN batman
BILECIK bilecik
BINGOL bingol
BITLIS bitlis
BOLU bolu
BURDUR burdur
CANAKKALE canakkale
CANKIRI cankiri
CORUM corum
DENIZLI denizli
EDIRNE edirne
ERZINCAN erzincan
ERZURUM erzurum
ESKISEHIR eskisehir
ISTANBUL istanbul
GAZIANTEP gaziantep
GIRESUN giresun
HAKKARI hakkari
HATAY hatay
IGDIR igdir
ISPARTA isparta
KAHRAMANMARAS kahramanmaras
KARAMAN karaman
KASTAMONU kastamonu
KAYSERI kayseri
KILIS kilis
KIRIKKALE kirikkale
KIRKLARELI kirklareli
KIRSEHIR kirsehir
KOCAELI kocaeli
KONYA konya
KUTAHYA kutahya
MALATYA malatya
MANISA manisa
MARDIN mardin
MERSIN mersin
MUGLA mugla
MUS mus
ORDU ordu
OSMANIYE osmaniye
SAKARYA sakarya
SAMSUN samsun
SANLIURFA sanliurfa
SIIRT siirt
SINOP sinop
SIRNAK sirnak
SIVAS sivas
TEKIRDAG tekirdag
TRABZON trabzon
TUNCELI tunceli
USAK usak
VAN van
YALOVA yalova
YOZGAT yozgat
UZBEKISTAN uzbekistan
VIETNAM vietnam
HO_CHI_MINH_CITY ho_chi_minh_city
YEMEN yemen
SHABWAH shabwah
EUROPE europe
ALBANIA albania
GERMANY germany
BADENWURTTEMBERG_REGION badenwurttemberg_region
LOWER_SAXONY lower_saxony
BAVARIA bavaria
LAND_BERLIN land_berlin
BRANDENBURG brandenburg
BREMEN bremen
HAMBURG hamburg
HESSE hesse
MECKLENBURGVORPOMMERN mecklenburgvorpommern
NORTH_RHINEWESTPHALIA north_rhinewestphalia
RHEINLANDPFALZ rheinlandpfalz
SAXONY saxony
SAXONYANHALT saxonyanhalt
SAARLAND saarland
SCHLESWIGHOLSTEIN schleswigholstein
THURINGIA thuringia
ANDORRA andorra
ANDORRA_LA_VELLA andorra_la_vella
CANILLO canillo
ENCAMP encamp
ESCALDESENGORDANY escaldesengordany
LA_MASSANA la_massana
ORDINO ordino
SANT_JULIA_DE_LORIA sant_julia_de_loria
AUSTRIA austria
UPPER_AUSTRIA upper_austria
LOWER_AUSTRIA lower_austria
BURGENLAND burgenland
CARINTHIA carinthia
STYRIA styria
VIENNA vienna
VORARLBERG vorarlberg
BELGIUM belgium
BRUSSELS_CAPITAL brussels_capital
FLANDERS flanders
WALLONIA wallonia
BELARUS belarus
BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA bosnia_and_herzegovina
BRCKO brcko
FEDERATION_OF_B_AND_H federation_of_b_and_h
REPUBLIKA_SRPSKA republika_srpska
BULGARIA bulgaria
GABROVO gabrovo
SOFIA sofia
CYPRUS cyprus
VATICAN_CITY vatican_city
CROATIA croatia
SLAVONSKI_BRODPOSAVINA slavonski_brodposavina
DUBROVACKONERETVANSKA_ZUPANIJA dubrovackoneretvanska_zupanija
ISTRIA istria
KRAPINSKOZAGORSKA_ZUPANIJA krapinskozagorska_zupanija
OSJECKOBARANJSKA_ZUPANIJA osjeckobaranjska_zupanija
POZESKOSLAVONSKA_ZUPANIJA pozeskoslavonska_zupanija
PRIMORSKOGORANSKA_ZUPANIJA primorskogoranska_zupanija
SIBENSKOKNINSKA_ZUPANIJA sibenskokninska_zupanija
SISACKOMOSLAVACKA_ZUPANIJA sisackomoslavacka_zupanija
SPLITDALMATIA splitdalmatia
VUKOVARSIRMIUM vukovarsirmium
DENMARK denmark
SOUTH_DENMARK south_denmark
CENTRAL_JUTLAND central_jutland
ZEALAND zealand
SLOVAKIA slovakia
SLOVENIA slovenia
MARIBOR maribor
POSTOJNA postojna
SPAIN spain
ANDALUSIA andalusia
ARAGON aragon
PRINCIPALITY_OF_ASTURIAS principality_of_asturias
BALEARIC_ISLANDS balearic_islands
CANARY_ISLANDS canary_islands
CANTABRIA cantabria
CASTILLE_AND_LEON castille_and_leon
CASTILLELA_MANCHA castillela_mancha
CATALONIA catalonia
CEUTA ceuta
EXTREMADURA extremadura
GALICIA galicia
LA_RIOJA2 la_rioja2
MADRID madrid
MELILLA melilla
MURCIA murcia
NAVARRE navarre
BASQUE_COUNTRY basque_country
VALENCIA valencia
ESTONIA estonia
HARJUMAA harjumaa
HIIUMAA hiiumaa
IDAVIRUMAA idavirumaa
JARVAMAA jarvamaa
JOGEVAMAA jogevamaa
LAANE laane
LAANEVIRUMAA laanevirumaa
PARNUMAA parnumaa
POLVAMAA polvamaa
RAPLAMAA raplamaa
SAARE saare
TARTU tartu
VALGAMAA valgamaa
VILJANDIMAA viljandimaa
VORUMAA vorumaa
FINLAND finland
FINLAND_PROPER finland_proper
LAPLAND lapland
OSTROBOTHNIA ostrobothnia
NORTHERN_OSTROBOTHNIA northern_ostrobothnia
SOUTHERN_OSTROBOTHNIA southern_ostrobothnia
FRANCE france
BRITTANY brittany
CENTREVAL_DE_LOIRE centreval_de_loire
ILEDEFRANCE iledefrance
NORMANDY normandy
PAYS_DE_LA_LOIRE pays_de_la_loire
PROVENCEALPESCOTE_DAZUR provencealpescote_dazur
GIBRALTAR gibraltar
GREECE greece
CRETE crete
GUERNSEY guernsey
NETHERLANDS netherlands
NORTH_BRABANT north_brabant
PROVINCIE_DRENTHE provincie_drenthe
PROVINCIE_FLEVOLAND provincie_flevoland
FRIESLAND friesland
GRONINGEN groningen
PROVINCIE_GELDERLAND provincie_gelderland
SOUTH_HOLLAND south_holland
NORTH_HOLLAND north_holland
LIMBURG limburg
PROVINCIE_ZEELAND provincie_zeeland
HUNGARY hungary
BACSKISKUN bacskiskun
ZALA zala
IRELAND ireland
ULSTER ulster
ISLE_OF_MAN isle_of_man
ICELAND iceland
WESTFJORDS westfjords
SOUTH south
NORTHWEST northwest
NORTHEAST northeast
WEST west
EAST east
CAPITAL_REGION capital_region
SOUTHERN_PENINSULA southern_peninsula
ALAND aland
FAROE_ISLANDS faroe_islands
ITALY italy
APULIA apulia
BASILICATE basilicate
CALABRIA calabria
CAMPANIA campania
SARDINIA sardinia
EMILIAROMAGNA emiliaromagna
FRIULI_VENEZIA_GIULIA friuli_venezia_giulia
LATIUM latium
THE_MARCHES the_marches
LIGURIA liguria
LOMBARDY lombardy
ABRUZZO abruzzo
MOLISE molise
PIEDMONT piedmont
SICILY sicily
TUSCANY tuscany
TRENTINOALTO_ADIGE trentinoalto_adige
UMBRIA umbria
AOSTA_VALLEY aosta_valley
VENETO veneto
JERSEY jersey
KOSOVO kosovo
LATVIA latvia
JEKABPILS_MUNICIPALITY jekabpils_municipality
VENTSPILS ventspils
LIECHTENSTEIN liechtenstein
REPUBLIC_OF_LITHUANIA republic_of_lithuania
LUXEMBOURG luxembourg
MACEDONIA macedonia
BOGDANCI bogdanci
DOLNENI dolneni
RESEN resen
SVETI_NIKOLE sveti_nikole
VALANDOVO valandovo
MALTA malta
REPUBLIC_OF_MOLDOVA republic_of_moldova
ANENII_NOI anenii_noi
BASARABEASCA basarabeasca
BRICENI briceni
CANTEMIR cantemir
CRIULENI criuleni
GLODENI glodeni
LEOVA leova
NISPORENI nisporeni
ORHEI orhei
REZINA rezina
RISCANI riscani
SINGEREI singerei
SOLDANESTI soldanesti
STRASENI straseni
TELENESTI telenesti
UNGHENI ungheni
MONACO monaco
MONTENEGRO montenegro
NORWAY norway
POLAND poland
LOWER_SILESIA lower_silesia
LODZ_VOIVODESHIP lodz_voivodeship
LUBLIN lublin
OPOLE_VOIVODESHIP opole_voivodeship
PODLASIE podlasie
POMERANIA pomerania
SILESIA silesia
SUBCARPATHIAN_VOIVODESHIP subcarpathian_voivodeship
WARMIAMASURIA warmiamasuria
KUJAWSKOPOMORSKIE kujawskopomorskie
GREATER_POLAND greater_poland
LUBUSZ lubusz
MAZOVIA mazovia
LESSER_POLAND_VOIVODESHIP lesser_poland_voivodeship
SWIETOKRZYSKIE swietokrzyskie
PORTUGAL portugal
AVEIRO aveiro
AZORES azores
BEJA beja
BRAGA braga
BRAGANCA braganca
CASTELO_BRANCO castelo_branco
COIMBRA coimbra
EVORA evora
FARO faro
GUARDA guarda
LEIRIA leiria
LISBON lisbon
MADEIRA madeira
PORTO porto
PORTALEGRE portalegre
SANTAREM santarem
SETUBAL setubal
VIANA_DO_CASTELO viana_do_castelo
VILA_REAL vila_real
VISEU viseu
SCOTLAND scotland
FIFE fife
SOUTH_LANARKSHIRE south_lanarkshire
NORTH_LANARKSHIRE north_lanarkshire
DUMFRIES_AND_GALLOWAY dumfries_and_galloway
HIGHLAND highland
WEST_LOTHIAN west_lothian
THE_SCOTTISH_BORDERS the_scottish_borders
NORTH_AYRSHIRE north_ayrshire
WESTERN_ISLES western_isles
INVERCLYDE inverclyde
ABERDEENSHIRE aberdeenshire
SOUTH_AYRSHIRE south_ayrshire
SHETLAND_ISLANDS shetland_islands
EAST_LOTHIAN east_lothian
ARGYLL_AND_BUTE argyll_and_bute
CLACKMANNANSHIRE clackmannanshire
MIDLOTHIAN midlothian
ORKNEY_ISLANDS orkney_islands
STIRLING stirling
EAST_AYRSHIRE east_ayrshire
PERTH_AND_KINROSS perth_and_kinross
FALKIRK falkirk
MORAY moray
WEST_DUNBARTONSHIRE west_dunbartonshire
RENFREWSHIRE renfrewshire
EDINBURGH edinburgh
ABERDEEN_CITY aberdeen_city
EAST_RENFREWSHIRE east_renfrewshire
ANGUS angus
EAST_DUNBARTONSHIRE east_dunbartonshire
GLASGOW_CITY glasgow_city
DUNDEE_CITY dundee_city
WALES wales
CAERPHILLY_COUNTY_BOROUGH caerphilly_county_borough
CEREDIGION ceredigion
POWYS powys
WREXHAM wrexham
CARMARTHENSHIRE carmarthenshire
ANGLESEY anglesey
MONMOUTHSHIRE monmouthshire
RHONDDA_CYNON_TAF rhondda_cynon_taf
DENBIGHSHIRE denbighshire
MERTHYR_TYDFIL_COUNTY_BOROUGH merthyr_tydfil_county_borough
BLAENAU_GWENT blaenau_gwent
GWYNEDD gwynedd
PEMBROKESHIRE pembrokeshire
CITY_AND_COUNTY_OF_SWANSEA city_and_county_of_swansea
VALE_OF_GLAMORGAN vale_of_glamorgan
NEATH_PORT_TALBOT neath_port_talbot
FLINTSHIRE flintshire
CARDIFF cardiff
CONWY conwy
COUNTY_BOROUGH_OF_BRIDGEND county_borough_of_bridgend
TORFAEN_COUNTY_BOROUGH torfaen_county_borough
CITY_OF_NEWPORT city_of_newport
ENGLAND england
DERBYSHIRE derbyshire
YORK york
SHROPSHIRE shropshire
HILLINGDON hillingdon
DORSET dorset
SOMERSET somerset
DEVON devon
LEEDS leeds
NORFOLK norfolk
NORTH_SOMERSET north_somerset
SOUTH_GLOUCESTERSHIRE south_gloucestershire
ISLE_OF_WIGHT isle_of_wight
STOCKTONONTEES stocktonontees
BIRMINGHAM birmingham
KENT kent
MANCHESTER manchester
OXFORDSHIRE oxfordshire
WINDSOR_AND_MAIDENHEAD windsor_and_maidenhead
LEICESTERSHIRE leicestershire
BEDFORD bedford
NORTHUMBERLAND northumberland
EAST_SUSSEX east_sussex
SWINDON swindon
ESSEX essex
STAFFORDSHIRE staffordshire
EAST_RIDING_OF_YORKSHIRE east_riding_of_yorkshire
CHESHIRE_EAST cheshire_east
SURREY surrey
GLOUCESTERSHIRE gloucestershire
HAMPSHIRE hampshire
WEST_SUSSEX west_sussex
SALFORD salford
SUFFOLK suffolk
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE nottinghamshire
CUMBRIA cumbria
DUDLEY dudley
WORCESTERSHIRE worcestershire
SUTTON sutton
WILTSHIRE wiltshire
GREENWICH greenwich
MILTON_KEYNES milton_keynes
STOCKPORT stockport
WOKINGHAM wokingham
CAMBRIDGESHIRE cambridgeshire
DURHAM durham
LINCOLNSHIRE lincolnshire
HARINGEY haringey
REDBRIDGE redbridge
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE northamptonshire
WIRRAL wirral
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE buckinghamshire
NORTH_YORKSHIRE north_yorkshire
BARNSLEY barnsley
WARWICKSHIRE warwickshire
WOLVERHAMPTON wolverhampton
CENTRAL_BEDFORDSHIRE central_bedfordshire
LANCASHIRE lancashire
NORTH_LINCOLNSHIRE north_lincolnshire
CHESHIRE cheshire
BRACKNELL_FOREST bracknell_forest
HEREFORDSHIRE herefordshire
ENFIELD enfield
MERTON merton
BRADFORD bradford
BRENT brent
WALSALL walsall
HERTFORDSHIRE hertfordshire
WIGAN wigan
HALTON halton
ROTHERHAM rotherham
CROYDON croydon
NORTH_TYNESIDE north_tyneside
BOROUGH_OF_BURY borough_of_bury
TOWER_HAMLETS tower_hamlets
GATESHEAD gateshead
BARNET barnet
BROMLEY bromley
THURROCK thurrock
LAMBETH lambeth
CITY_OF_WESTMINSTER city_of_westminster
CORNWALL cornwall
BOLTON bolton
SANDWELL sandwell
SOUTH_TYNESIDE south_tyneside
TELFORD_AND_WREKIN telford_and_wrekin
BEXLEY bexley
HARROW harrow
SUNDERLAND sunderland
WARRINGTON warrington
ROCHDALE rochdale
WANDSWORTH wandsworth
SOUTHWARK southwark
WALTHAM_FOREST waltham_forest
NORTH_EAST_LINCOLNSHIRE north_east_lincolnshire
CALDERDALE calderdale
NEWCASTLE_UPON_TYNE newcastle_upon_tyne
WAKEFIELD wakefield
TRAFFORD trafford
RUTLAND rutland
ISLINGTON islington
HAVERING havering
PETERBOROUGH peterborough
RICHMOND_UPON_THAMES richmond_upon_thames
TORBAY torbay
WEST_BERKSHIRE west_berkshire
DONCASTER doncaster
SEFTON sefton
NEWHAM newham
STOKEONTRENT stokeontrent
HACKNEY hackney
SHEFFIELD sheffield
TAMESIDE tameside
COVENTRY coventry
PORTSMOUTH portsmouth
SOUTHENDONSEA southendonsea
BOURNEMOUTH bournemouth
SOUTHAMPTON southampton
EALING ealing
SOLIHULL solihull
SLOUGH slough
KIRKLEES kirklees
REDCAR_AND_CLEVELAND redcar_and_cleveland
HAMMERSMITH_AND_FULHAM hammersmith_and_fulham
OLDHAM oldham
BATH_AND_NORTH_EAST_SOMERSET bath_and_north_east_somerset
CAMDEN camden
ST_HELENS st_helens
BRIGHTON_AND_HOVE brighton_and_hove
MEDWAY medway
READING reading
KNOWSLEY knowsley
POOLE poole
PLYMOUTH plymouth
MIDDLESBROUGH middlesbrough
NOTTINGHAM nottingham
ROYAL_KINGSTON_UPON_THAMES royal_kingston_upon_thames
LEWISHAM lewisham
LUTON luton
CITY_OF_LONDON city_of_london
LIVERPOOL liverpool
DERBY derby
LEICESTER leicester
KINGSTON_UPON_HULL kingston_upon_hull
ROYAL_KENSINGTON_AND_CHELSEA royal_kensington_and_chelsea
HOUNSLOW hounslow
DARLINGTON darlington
HARTLEPOOL hartlepool
BLACKBURN_WITH_DARWEN blackburn_with_darwen
BARKING_AND_DAGENHAM barking_and_dagenham
BRISTOL bristol
BLACKPOOL blackpool
NORTHERN_IRELAND northern_ireland
BELFAST belfast
MID_AND_EAST_ANTRIM mid_and_east_antrim
NEWRY_MOURNE_AND_DOWN newry_mourne_and_down
ARMAGH_CITY_BANBRIDGE_AND_CRAIGAVON armagh_city_banbridge_and_craigavon
ANTRIM_AND_NEWTOWNABBEY antrim_and_newtownabbey
MID_ULSTER mid_ulster
FERMANAGH_AND_OMAGH fermanagh_and_omagh
CAUSEWAY_COAST_AND_GLENS causeway_coast_and_glens
DERRY_CITY_AND_STRABANE derry_city_and_strabane
ARDS_AND_NORTH_DOWN ards_and_north_down
LISBURN_AND_CASTLEREAGH lisburn_and_castlereagh
CZECHIA czechia
HLAVNI_MESTO_PRAHA hlavni_mesto_praha
CENTRAL_BOHEMIA central_bohemia
JIHOCESKY_KRAJ jihocesky_kraj
SOUTH_MORAVIAN south_moravian
ROMANIA romania
PRAHOVA prahova
RUSSIA russia
ADYGEYA_REPUBLIC adygeya_republic
AMUR_OBLAST amur_oblast
BURYATIYA_REPUBLIC buryatiya_republic
KARELIA karelia
CHECHNYA chechnya
CHUKOTKA chukotka
CHUVASHIA chuvashia
DAGESTAN dagestan
INGUSHETIYA_REPUBLIC ingushetiya_republic
KHAKASIYA_REPUBLIC khakasiya_republic
KABARDINOBALKARIYA_REPUBLIC kabardinobalkariya_republic
KALMYKIYA_REPUBLIC kalmykiya_republic
KHABAROVSK khabarovsk
KRASNOYARSKIY_KRAY krasnoyarskiy_kray
PERM_KRAI perm_krai
PRIMORSKIY_MARITIME_KRAY primorskiy_maritime_kray
KRASNODARSKIY_KRAY krasnodarskiy_kray
MARIYEL_REPUBLIC mariyel_republic
MORDOVIYA_REPUBLIC mordoviya_republic
MOSCOW moscow
NENETS nenets
JEWISH_AUTONOMOUS_OBLAST jewish_autonomous_oblast
MOSCOW_OBLAST moscow_oblast
ULYANOVSK_OBLAST ulyanovsk_oblast
NORTH_OSSETIA north_ossetia
CHUKOT chukot
SAKHALIN_OBLAST sakhalin_oblast
STPETERSBURG stpetersburg
SVERDLOVSKAYA_OBLAST sverdlovskaya_oblast
TATARSTAN_REPUBLIC tatarstan_republic
TYUMEN_OBLAST tyumen_oblast
UDMURTIYA_REPUBLIC udmurtiya_republic
TRANSBAIKAL_TERRITORY transbaikal_territory
SAN_MARINO san_marino
CHIESANUOVA chiesanuova
SERBIA serbia
SWEDEN sweden
DALARNA dalarna
NORRBOTTEN norrbotten
GAVLEBORG gavleborg
OREBRO orebro
VASTRA_GOTALAND vastra_gotaland
SWITZERLAND switzerland
BASELCITY baselcity
GENEVA geneva
GRISONS grisons
NEUCHATEL neuchatel
JURA jura
TICINO ticino
UKRAINE ukraine
KHERSONSKA_OBLAST khersonska_oblast
KYIV kyiv
ODESSA odessa
POLTAVSKA_OBLAST poltavska_oblast
SUMSKA_OBLAST sumska_oblast
OCEANIA oceania
AUSTRALIA australia
NORTHERN_TERRITORY northern_territory
AUSTRALIAN_CAPITAL_TERRITORY australian_capital_territory
FIJI fiji
CENTRAL central
EASTERN eastern
NORTHERN2 northern2
WESTERN western
GUAM guam
NIUE niue
NORFOLK_ISLAND norfolk_island
COOK_ISLANDS cook_islands
NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS northern_mariana_islands
MARSHALL_ISLANDS marshall_islands
US_MINOR_OUTLYING_ISLANDS us_minor_outlying_islands
PITCAIRN_ISLANDS pitcairn_islands
SOLOMON_ISLANDS solomon_islands
KIRIBATI kiribati
FEDERATED_STATES_OF_MICRONESIA federated_states_of_micronesia
NAURU nauru
AIWO aiwo
ANABAR anabar
ANETAN anetan
ANIBARE anibare
BOE boe
BUADA buada
EWA ewa
IJUW ijuw
MENENG meneng
NIBOK nibok
UABOE uaboe
NEW_CALEDONIA new_caledonia
NEW_ZEALAND new_zealand
AUCKLAND auckland
CANTERBURY canterbury
WELLINGTON wellington
PALAU palau
PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA papua_new_guinea
EAST_NEW_BRITAIN_PROVINCE east_new_britain_province
WEST_NEW_BRITAIN_PROVINCE west_new_britain_province
MANUS_PROVINCE manus_province
FRENCH_POLYNESIA french_polynesia
SAMOA samoa
AMERICAN_SAMOA american_samoa
DEMOCRATIC_REPUBLIC_OF_TIMORLESTE democratic_republic_of_timorleste
BOBONARO bobonaro
COVA_LIMA cova_lima
ERMERA ermera
LAUTEM lautem
MANUFAHI manufahi
TOKELAU tokelau
TONGA tonga
EUA eua
NIUAS niuas
TUVALU tuvalu
VANUATU vanuatu
TORBA_PROVINCE torba_province
WALLIS_AND_FUTUNA wallis_and_futuna
ANTARCTICA antarctica
BOUVET_ISLAND bouvet_island
SOUTH_GEORGIA_AND_THE_SOUTH_SANDWICH_ISLANDS south_georgia_and_the_south_sandwich_islands
HEARD_ISLAND_AND_MCDONALD_ISLANDS heard_island_and_mcdonald_islands
FRENCH_SOUTHERN_TERRITORIES french_southern_territories
REGIONAL regional